“…Angelika J. Trojnarski, on the other hand, deals in her painting with the great physical phenomena of nature and their appearance. Her contrasting and colour-intensive works testify on the one hand to the emotionalising potential that natural spectacles such as thunderstorms, rainbows, volcanic eruptions or northern lights possess through their visual power, and on the other hand they thematise their fascinating physical laws. In Fiat Lux III (2019) she breaks with them by uniting aurors, lightning and rain and bringing about a simultaneity of the non- simultaneous. With this fictitious disturbance of the natural forces, she indirectly evokes a very real end of nature as we know it. A similar picture is drawn by the photograph of a cloud, digitally processed by the artist and refined with a swath of soot. Do the remnants of a combustion escape in gaseous form or does the cloud itself fall from the sky? Both scenarios are living in a natural and at the same time utopian destruction…”