“For Huis Huguetan, where until recently the Supreme Court was established, Aminde realised an installation that consists of an overview of works of the last ten years but also a new production questioning the former function of the building. In this video installation Sony Kutscher, a Sinti man, rehearses a dramatic reading of a story that he wrote down himself. It is the story of the lucky prevention of the deportation of his grandparents to Auschwitz in the 3rd Reich. At the former Gestapo prison in Berlin, Sony Kutscher developed the telling of a dramatic story while being filmed by Aminde who only intervenes to support the actor. The repetitive edit of the material, the pensive attitude of the camera and also the installation of this new work in the Huis Huguetan request the possibilities to deal with a traumatic past and family story. Because of the darkness attached to the narration but also the disparity of both — Sony Kutscher the actor and representer of a Sinti Family and Ulf Aminde the filmmaker — through the work, there is no easy resolution in sight. At least there is no forgiveness…”